EXCITING NEWS: Bringing together diverse musical experiences from both the Black and White perspectives, two of DC’s most respected artistic figures unite their talents to form this unique new choral ensemble.
new ensemble to the fabric of the Washington arts scene. Scott Tucker, noted for his musical brilliance as
an insightful conductor, with long-standing contributions to the Washington, DC music community, his
reputation of choral excellence in academia, as well as a conductor, leading and preparing choruses and
orchestral ensembles for national and international stages and the accomplished Nolan Williams, Jr.,
revered for his extraordinary work as a conductor, award-winning composer, and curator of the arts
through his arts conglomerate NEWorks Productions, announce today their new venture: Washington
Douglass Chorale.
rich racial and ethnic diversity of this region. Moreover, most of the choirs also tend to focus primarily on
either symphonic works written by European composers or on American spiritual music, rather than
embracing and mastering the full spectrum of choral works. This exciting collaboration between these
two musical giants in our Nation’s Capital will set the bar in providing a space for diversity and
community all through innovative, meaningful and creative programming.
comprised of about 80-100 outstanding singers and based in Washington, DC, that fully reflects the racial
and ethnic diversity of this region in every respect, including the composition of the choir, its artistic
leadership, and its organizational governance” he shared.
European and American masterworks by composers such as of Bach, Mozart, Brahms, Gershwin and
Ellington, American spiritual music, neglected masterworks by Black Composers such as Florence Price,
R. Nathaniel Dett, and other contemporary works by talented living composers. In addition to
programming its own concerts, this choir will collaborate with major symphonies and participate in
premiere events both in Washington, DC and beyond.
choral musicians, with a special emphasis on young, diverse, talented singers.
According to Williams, “The Washington Douglass Chorale will add greater diversity to the rich choral
programming in our region. The name reflects this commitment and is also a nod to the designation
currently being contemplated for the future state of Washington, Douglass Commonwealth” he expressed.With great excitement, the Washington Douglass Chorale announces that it will host auditions in June
2023, and present its opening concert in December 2023, with select performances to follow beginning in
the Spring of 2024.