MidAmerica Productions is deeply saddened to announce the passing of its Founder and General Music Director, Peter Tiboris. For over four decades, maestro Peter Tiboris dedicated his life to transforming MidAmerica Productions into a world-renowned institution, bringing music to life on global stages, including the prestigious Carnegie Hall. His remarkable vision and passion shaped the organization and touched the lives of countless musicians and audiences alike.  Peter Tiboris leaves behind an unparalleled legacy of excellence, creativity, and dedication to the performing arts. As his family mourns the loss, they are committed to ensuring his life’s work continues flourishing.
E. Peter Tiboris, son of Peter Tiboris and now Chairman of the Board of Directors of MidAmerica Productions, shared his reflections: “For over 40 years, my sister Stephanie and I witnessed our father’s leadership and passion firsthand. He was a visionary whose love for music brought together people from all over the world. While we’re heartbroken by his loss, we take comfort in knowing that the legacy he built will live on through every performance we give.”
The leadership of MidAmerica Productions will remain firmly in the hands of Peter Tiboris’ family: son E. Peter Tiboris, daughter Stephanie Tiboris, and his widow, Eilana Lappalainen. In addition, MidAmerica Productions will continue to be led by a highly experienced executive team: Chief Executive Officer James E. Redcay III, Chief Operating Officer Eric Spiegel, Chief of Account Operations Joyce Howard-Brazel, Director of Program Development Christian Harden, and Director of Public Relations and Audience Development Andrea Niederman. The dedicated support staff will remain in place to continue the administrative and detailed work of planning and executing the 2025 concert season and MidAm International residencies.

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CEO James E. Redcay III expressed his admiration for Peter Tiboris and reaffirmed the company’s commitment to the future: “Peter was a visionary leader, a mentor, and a friend. His influence in the world of music is immeasurable, and he has left us with an indelible legacy to uphold. The entire team at MidAmerica is committed to honoring Peter’s memory by continuing to bring world-class musical experiences to audiences everywhere. The 2025 season promises to be our largest in a decade and is a testament to his life’s work and the amazing team he built to bring his vision to life.”
The 2025 season is set to be a memorable tribute to Peter Tiboris’ life, featuring an array of events including a Weill Recital Hall debut from the Oxford Philharmonic Orchestra Piano Trio on Friday, March 14, 2025, a 41st season opener at Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage with the US Premiere of Paul A. Aitken’s Missa Pro Terra: A Mass for the Earth on Saturday, March 15, 2025, and many world-class performances by the New England Symphonic Ensemble and participating choirs from around the globe.


In 2024, to mark both his 75th birthday and the 40th anniversary of MidAmerica Productions, Peter Tiboris, together with biographer Alex Kitroeff, released his biography, Peter Tiboris: A Musical Odyssey. “Forty years is a big achievement,” said Clive Gillinson, executive and artistic director of Carnegie Hall.
In the book’s foreword, renowned composer Sir John Rutter CBE reflects: “Could anyone have accomplished what Peter has accomplished? Peter’s combination of musical insight, vision, energy, commitment, and determination to make the most of whatever opportunities life offers is, to say the least, uncommon. He is modest enough to claim “it’s all about the music,” and of course it is, but I believe you will come away from reading this book thinking “Yes, but there’s a lot more to it than that.” I for one have been inspired by reading about it all, in this engaging chronicle of a remarkable life.”
MidAmerica Productions invites its community of supporters to join them in celebrating the life and legacy of Peter Tiboris through the upcoming concert season, ensuring that his passion for music lives on.